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 农夫导航网 杨立华,男,北京大学政府照管学院新体制长聘诠释、博士生导师、民众照管学科带头东说念主、学位委员会副主席。兼任行政学基础表面和步调及比拟行政学学科见地牵头东说念主、救急照管专科认真东说念主、国度措置征询院征询员、民众措置征询所征询员与学术委员会副主任、政府绩效评估征询中心征询员与副主任、碳中庸征询院(校级交叉学科四大平台之一)双聘诠释与聘请委员会委员、区域与国别征询院(校级交叉学科四大平台之一)博士生导师,曾先后担任行政照管学系副主任、民众计策系主任等。享受国务院额外津贴众人,先后入选北京市社科表面东说念主才“百东说念主工程”、莳植部新世纪优秀东说念主才计算、国度百千万东说念主才工程(国度级东说念主选),被授予“有了得孝顺中后生众人”荣誉称呼,并被评为生态环境社会措置界限“最好意思科技使命者”。同期兼任(或曾兼任)海外民众照管征询会(The International Research Society for Public Management, IRSPM)副会长、中国环境社会措置专委会副主任委员、中国行政照管学会常务理事、寰宇计策科学学会理事、中国廉政法制征询会理事、多家国表里学会会员、清华大学北京市组织学习与城市措置立异征询中心客座征询员、中好意思动力生态和可捏续性科学征询中心客座诠释、北京师范大学“东说念主与环境系统可捏续性征询中心”客座诠释。同期是国度当然科学基金、国度社会科学基金神气过火他多种神气评审和莳植部、环保部等关联众人库众人,《北大政事学指摘》副主编以及Public Manage Review等几十家国表里蹙迫学术期刊编委或评审众人。   先后毕业于北京大学、印第安纳大学(布卢明顿)、亚利桑那州立大学,获法学和经济学双学士、照管学和政事学双硕士、民众照管玄学博士学位,师从于周志忍诠释、埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆诠释(Elinor Ostrom,2009年获诺贝尔经济学奖)、文森特·奥斯特罗姆诠释(Vincent Ostrom)、蓝志勇(G. Zhiyong Lan)诠释等。自1998年于今农夫导航网,在北京大学出书社、Springer等出书中英文著述10多部、译著2部(1部主捏、1部合译)、讲义3部(并参编、参著多部);在国表里学术期刊等发表中英文体术论著一百多篇,其中英文SCI和SSCI期刊有American Review of Public Administration、Public Management Review、Ecological Economics、Government Information Quarterly、Journal of Policy Analysis and Management、International Public Management Journal、Public Policy and Administration、Policy Studies、Management and Organization Review、Science and Public Policy、Journal of Contemporary China、Journal of Environmental Management、Environmental Science and Policy、Environmental Management、International Journal of Conflict Management、Landscape Ecology、Nature (Correspondence)等,汉文期刊有《中国社会科学》《照管世界》《北大政事学指摘》 《北京师范大学学报》《中国东说念主民大学学报》 《民众照管指摘》 《民众照管与计策指摘》《民众照管学报》 《民众行政指摘》 《科学学征询》 《中国软科学》 《中国行政照管》等。主捏国度社会科学基金要紧招标神气(首席众人)、国度社科基金要紧专项神气(首席众人)、国度当然科学基金面上神气等蹙迫科研神气40余项,多项神气后果被国度当然科学基金委及环保部、民政部等关联机构强项为优秀,并屡次担任国度社科和莳植部等要紧神气子课题认真东说念主。获莳植部高档学校科学征询优秀后果奖、北京市高档莳植教会后果奖、北京高校“优质本科讲义课件”奖、好意思国民众计策分析和照管学会最好博士论文奖等国表里千般奖项50余项,并曾率领学生取得团中央、中国科协、莳植部等攀附组织“挑战杯”北京市“非凡奖”、国度“一等奖”以过火他多种奖项。主要征询界限为:民众(行政)照管和计策基础表面与步调、政事学和民众照管征询步调、社会和国度措置、下层社会措置、环境措置和计策、轨制经济学与轨制设想与分析、救急照管、大数据与学问运行型措置及计策。   至意接待各式学科配景(民众照管、政事学、经济学、社会学等各式社会科学,以及数学、蓄意机、环境、东说念主工智能等各式理学或工学),但有志于征询东说念主类民众问题、献身于学术作事的学生报考硕士、博士和博士后!


Biography Prof. Yang holds the positions of Tenured Professor in the School of Government, Director of the Department of Public Policy in the School of Government, Field Leader of Public Administration in the School of Government, Research Professor of the Institute of State Governance, and Vice Director of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Public Governance at Peking University, Beijing, China. Prof. Yang obtained Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Economics, and Master of Management at Peking University, Master of Politics at Indiana University Bloomington, and Doctor of Philosophy in Public Affairs at Arizona State University. His research focuses on public administration theories, research methodology for political science and public administration, environmental governance and policy, and collaborative and social governance. Prof. Yang has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed English and Chinese journals and 8 books since 1998, including SCI and SSCI-listed journals such as American Review of Public Administration, Ecological Economics, Environmental Management, Environmental Policy and Governance, Environmental Science and Policy, Government Information Quarterly, International Public Management Journal, International Journal of Conflict Management, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Journal of Contemporary China, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Landscape Ecology, Management and Organization Review, Public Policy & Administration, Nature, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, Science and Public Policy, etc. Furthermore, most of his Chinese articles are published in CSSCI-listed journals. Prof. Yang has won over 40 national, ministerial, international, and university-level awards such as the 2009 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Policy Analysis and Management in Asia by the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Pi Alpha Alpha Award of National Public Affairs & Administration Honor Society (2008), and Outstanding Reviewer for International Journal of Conflict Management in the Emerald Literati Awards (2017 and 2019). Furthermore, his name was included in the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, the 100-Person Project of the Beijing Social Science Theory Talent in 2011, and Millions of Talent Projects National candidates in 2020. Prof. Yang has received dozens of grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Twice), the National Social Science Fund of China (Twice), and various famous ministerial-level foundations from Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Education and Beijing City. In particular, he has hosted two Key Projects of the National Social Science Fund of China, which are only granted to famous full professors in China. Prof. Yang also holds the positions of Part-Time Professor in the School of Public Administration and Director of Workshop for Environmental Governance and Sustainability Science at Beihang University, Beijing; Visiting Research Professor in the Tsinghua-Beijing Center of Organizational Learning and Urban Governance Innovation at Tsinghua University, Beijing; Visiting Professor of The Center for Human-Environment System Sustainability (CHESS) of the State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, ESPRE at Beijing Normal University; and the Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science (SUCESS), Inner Mongolia University. He is also Vice President of the International Research Society of Public Management (IRSPM) and the council members of Chinese Public Administration Society, China Association of Policy Science, and China Association for the Study of Integrity and Legal System. Furthermore, he is a member of more than ten journal editorial boards as well as national and ministerial-level project advisory boards such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Foundation of China, and the Fund of Humanities and Social Science of Ministry of Education of China. Prof. Yang has been engaged in teaching for more than 20 years and is teaching courses such as Research Seminar in Public Administration (for Ph.D. students), Research Design and Methods of Public Administration (Advanced) (for Ph.D. students), Research Design and Methods of Public Administration (Mediate) (for graduate students), Research Methods of Public Administration (for undergraduate), Public Administration (for graduate students), and Environmental Economics and Policy (for undergraduate) at Peking University. He has independently supervised 18 doctoral students and nearly 70 master’s students and many of them have won various national/ministerial, social, and university level awards. Meanwhile, Prof. Yang has also been awarded various national/ministerial, university, and school-level teaching awards.




1、民众(行政)照管和计策基础表面与步调 2、政事学和民众照管征询步调 3、社会和国度措置、下层社会措置、救急照管 4、环境措置和计策 5、轨制经济学与轨制设想与分析 6、大数据与学问运行型措置及计策




1、2009年5月 亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University 民众照管玄学博士

2、2006年5月 印第安纳大学(布卢明顿)Indiana University (Bloomington) 政事学硕士

3、2002年7月 北京大学 照管学硕士

4、1999年7月 北京大学 法学学士

5、1999年7月 北京大学 经济学学士  


劳动履历 1. 2020.1-于今:北京大学政府照管学院, 新体制长聘诠释、征询员(博士生导师) 2、2018.1-2020.1: 北京大学政府照管学院, 诠释(职称)、征询员(头衔)(博士生导师) 3、2014.7-2017.12: 北京航空航天大学民众照管学院, 诠释(博士生导师) 4、2011.7-2014.6: 北京航空航天大学, 民众照管学院, 副诠释(博士生导师) 5、2009.9-2011.6: 北京航空航天大学, 民众照管学院, 副诠释(硕士生导师) 6、2002.7-2004.7: 北京航空航天大学, 民众照管学院, 助教、讲师

荣誉奖励(部分,2020年畴昔) 1、2020年,国度百千万东说念主才工程国度级东说念主选,被授予“有了得孝顺中后生众人”荣誉称呼。 2、2019年,莳植部第八届高档学校科学征询优秀后果奖(东说念主文社会科学)后生奖。 3、2019年,爱墨瑞得文东说念主奖之《海外冲破照管期刊》凸起评审众人奖(Outstanding Reviewer for International Journal of Conflict Management in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards) 4、2018年,中国民众照管年会(2018)暨第四届民众照管后生学者论坛优秀论文奖(常多粉、杨立华) 5、2017年,爱墨瑞得文东说念主奖之《海外冲破照管期刊》凸起评审众人奖(Outstanding Reviewer for International Journal of Conflict Management in the 2017 Emerald Literati Awards)。 6、2017年,中国民众照管年会(2017)暨第三届民众照管后生学者论坛, 论文二等奖 (杨立华、常多粉、张柳)。 7、2017年:中国民众照管年会(2017)暨第三届民众照管后生学者论坛, 论文三等奖(黄河、杨立华)。 8、2016年,北京航空航天大学“后生拔尖东说念主才赈济计算”。 9、2016年,北京航空航天大学优秀硕士论文率领老诚。 10、2015年, 团中央“挑战杯”优秀率领老诚(学生论文获北京市“非凡奖”与国度“一等奖”)。 11、2014年,国度信息中心优秀征询后果奖二等奖。 12、2014年,北京航空航天大学优秀硕士论文率领老诚。 13、2012年农夫导航网,北京航空航天大学优秀硕士论文率领老诚。 14、2011年,莳植部新世纪优秀东说念主才计算。 15、2011年,北京市社科表面东说念主才“百东说念主工程”。 16、2011年,北京航空航天大学“冯如杯”学术科技作品竞赛优秀率领老诚。 17、2010年,北京航空航天大学“蓝天新星”。 18、2009年,北京航空航天大学“蓝天少壮”。 19、2009年,好意思国民众计策分析和照管学会最好博士论文奖——亚洲征询(Award for the Best PH.D. Dissertation in Public Policy and Management in Asia, the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management)。 20、2008年,好意思国寰宇民众事务和照管荣誉协会凸起收获奖(Pi Alpha Alpha Award, National Public Affairs & Administration Honor Society)。

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